Innovative Business Solutions
The Venerable Solution.
The Venerable creates value by providing innovative solutions to the problems faced by businesses.
The Venerable Method.
We use S.M.A.R.T. goals which are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. We create realistic deadlines, action steps and milestones and establish time standards.
Accountability. At the Venerable the key to success is the creation of peer groups to hold consultants accountable. In addition, Venerable consultants score themselves daily based on a real matrix.
Technology. Disruption in the professional services delivery sector by the Venerable will be technology driven.
The Venerable Culture.
Our corporate culture is based on proven principles of leadership. The purpose driven culture creates operational consistency based on appropriate incentives and collaboration. This Venerable Culture is founded upon the belief that our people are our greatest assets and an Agile Manifesto.
Pillars of The Venerable Culture.
Pillar 1, Purpose. We put effort into finding and understanding our purpose. We put our greatest effort into fulfilling our purpose as an individual, team, group, and organization. We have certainty because we understand our purpose.
Pillar 2, Vision. We have clear vision of what we want which allows us as an individual, team, group, and organization to adapt to any circumstances to execute.
Pillar 3, Focus. We are focused and we are specific on our core expertise. We focus our unique expertise to grow our influence and to create opportunity. We focus our energy into maintaining a work-life balance by practicing self-care (rest, food, exercise, meditation) by preparing our bodies and minds for our purpose of giving our fullest at work and in life.
Pillar 4, Relationships. We have energy to grow business relationships. We build relationships with people and collaborate with our relationships. We are building an army of supporters and a tribe of believers.
Pillar 5, Collaboration. We work in high performance teams. We are devoted servants and dynamic leaders utilizing all our resources to meet our goals as a team.
Pillar 6, Innovation. We create value through creativity and functional performance improvement
Pillar 7, Value. We provide solutions and results which create value.
The Venerable Manifesto.(Agile)
Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of value.
We welcome innovation, even late in the project by harnessing change for the client’s competitive advantage.
We deliver solutions which create value on the shortest effective timescale.
Clients and consultants must work together daily throughout the project.
We build projects around motivated individuals, give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
The most efficient and effective form of communication to and within a project team is face-to-face conversation.
A working solution is the primary measure of progress.
Consultants should maintain a consistent and constant pace for diligent project completion.
Continuous attention to detail, technical excellence and good solutions.
Simplicity, the art of maximizing the amount of work not done, is essential.
Best solutions, innovations, and value creation emerge from collaboration.
Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective, and adjusts accordingly